LoveBroker, Tue 16:39 - re: 36ers Arena or AEC.LoveBroker, Tue 16:43 - re: ADL ILL.Anonymous, Tue 16:54 - re: 36ers Arena or AEC.Isaac, Tue 16:59 - re: 36ers Arena or AEC.LoveBroker, Tue 17:10 - re: 36ers Arena or AEC.Just a fan, Tue 17:20 - re: 36ers Arena or AEC.Just a fan, Tue 17:29 - re: ADL ILL.mitchrulz, Tue 17:34 - re: 36ers Arena or AEC.SixersFan, Tue 17:47 - re: 36ers Arena or AEC.mitchrulz, Tue 17:53 - re: 36ers Arena or AEC.Anonymous, Tue 18:03 - re: 36ers Arena or AEC.Anonymous, Tue 18:23 - re: 36ers Arena or AEC.Shano76, Tue 18:50 - re: 36ers Arena or AEC.Anonymous, Tue 18:51 - re: 36ers Arena or AEC.Hermann, Tue 19:05 - re: 36ers Arena or AEC.Lovebroker, Tue 19:18 - re: 36ers Arena or AEC.Anonymous, Tue 19:39 - re: Grading every NBL coach.Anonymous, Tue 20:41 - re: 36ers Arena or AEC.Anonymous, Tue 20:52 - re: 36ers Arena or AEC.James Harvey fa., Tue 21:46 - re: WNBL Round 9.Anonymous, Tue 21:50 - re: WNBL Round 9.Anonymous, Tue 21:57 - re: WNBL Round 9.Anonymous, Tue 22:52 - re: 36ers Arena or AEC.Anonymous, Tue 23:08 - re: Guardian questions Dalla.Anonymous, Tue 23:20 - re: 36ers Arena or AEC.This is ver1.0 rosters for nbl live 05-06 for nba live 2005 extract this to your saves folder usually located in my documents/nba live 2005/saves then also in your existing originaldb in"my documents/nba live 2005/database/"rename "appearance.dbf" to "appearance1.dbf" and also add a "1" after the filename of these other files "locaton.dbf","players.dbf", "teamgear.dbf" and "teams.dbf" and do the same in your workingdb folder then go into the game and then copy "appearence.dbf","locaton.dbf","players.dbf", "teamgear.dbf" and "teams.dbf"from nbllive05-06 folder in saves and paste them into both workingdb and originaldb folders in database folder load nbllive05-06 roster and u should be able to play now.but season mode doesnt work in this roster this will be fixed soon.if there are glitches, problems or whatever please post it and i'll will try to help you.Ĭredits to DJ for creating all the players appearences.
The Genie has more NBA Live 2005 Cheats at seems it was missed in the last update v1.02 so here is v1.0 readme follow the same process.īTW the final version WILL have a much simpilier install process. Hold D-pad left or right, then tap right analog stick up In slam dunk contest,slam dunk school(Alley-oop or advanced), or slam dunk showdown NBA LIVE 2005 is a sports simulation game where you will be able to feel just like a player from the National Basketball League.
Hold L1+R1, then tap right analog stick at anyway download full Version for PC NBA Live 2005 Game free. Hold D-pad up, then tap right analog stick up This dunk is best from the middle of the center and right hand three point, when you master this dunk it well give you a 49 or 50 everytime it is used. Hold on to L1 and then for the jump Square and in the air hold on to Circle for a while. Hold on to L1 and R1, Circle as the jump, in the air Circle again and hole on to Circle untill the ball touches in hand between the legs and let go, this takes time to make it perfect but after you do you can be unstoppable with it. Two times between the legs (50 points everytime):